Chapter 6 : raise children and education




King Willem-Alexander and Queen Maxima and their children

A first introduction

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If your language is not supported: these are the subjects
1. Children can go to school from 4 years old.  Children from 5 years old have ti go to school.
2. There are 3 types of schools: (1) linked to religions, (2) not linked to religion, (3) special education.
3. The most important subjects are language and math..
4. In primary school we speak of groups. 1 and 2: children from 4 to 5 years. Group 3 children around 6 years old. Group 8: last year at school. Such report is in Dutch: "schoolrapport".
5. On the basis of the school report you can see how things are going.
6. At a parents evening you ask the teacher about how your child is doing..
7. In the last year of the primary school advice is given for the next school


the educational system


education at different ages

The educational system: overview

In the Netherlands, kids go to three main schools:

Primary school (basisschool): Kids go here from age 4 to 12. They learn to read, write, count, and other subjects.

Secondary school (voortgezet onderwijs): Kids go here from age 12. There are three kinds:

vmbo: This is for 4 years. It helps kids get ready for jobs or more school.
havo: This is for 5 years. It helps kids get ready for higher education.
vwo: This is for 6 years. It gets kids ready for university.

Higher school (hoger onderwijs): There are two types:
Universities: Here, students can get big degrees like bachelor's or master's.
Applied science schools: Here, students learn special skills for jobs.

Now, let's talk more about school for little kids until they are 12 years old:

Ages 0-3: Children can attend daycare or preschool, but this is not compulsory.
Ages 4-12: Children attend primary school (basisschool).
Ages 12-16: Children attend secondary school (voortgezet onderwijs).
Ages 16-18: Children continue to attend secondary school or start higher education.

The educational system is given in the following picture.



School system



Daycare centre

Daycare ("kinderdagverblijf")

"Kinderdagverblijf" is a word from the Netherlands. It means "daycare center". It's a place for little kids (0 to 4 years old) when their parents are busy. The government in the Netherlands checks to make sure these places are safe and good.

All families in the Netherlands can use them. But, there are not enough spots for all kids. So, parents should sign up their kids early.

Some parents have to pay more, some pay less. But the government helps with some of the money.

At kinderdagverblijf, kids can play and learn in a safe place.



What are the most important subjects in primary school

In primary school, we learn many things. These are the main subjects:

Language: We learn to read, write, and listen.
Math: We learn basic numbers and how to think.
Science: We learn about nature and how things are.
Social studies: We learn about the past, places, and rules.

We also learn:

Arts: We learn music, drawing, and acting.
Physical education: We learn to move and be healthy.
Personal and social: We learn about feelings, friends, and how to be a good person.




Freedom of education

In the Netherlands, everyone can choose the school they like for their kids. You can pick a public school, a private school, or one with religious ideas.

The government gives money to all these schools if they are good. So, parents have many choices for their kids' school.

Schools can also choose what they teach and how they teach. This is good because schools can do what's best for their students.

What's good about this?

Parents can choose the best school for their kids.
Schools can teach in different ways.
Schools can try new ways of teaching.
Schools must do a good job because parents are watching.

But, there are also some problems. The government checks to make sure all schools are good. And, they help families who don't have a lot of money so their kids can go to a good school.

In the end, this freedom in schools is good in the Netherlands. It helps kids get the best education.





Education and costs

In the Netherlands, school costs change based on the school type.

For little kids in primary school (basisschool), it's free. But, parents might need to pay for some things like pencils and books.

For bigger kids in secondary school (voortgezet onderwijs), it's also free. But, parents have to buy some school things.

For students in higher school (hoger onderwijs), they must pay money. Here's what they might pay:

University: Dutch students pay around several thousand euros  a year. Students from other countries pay a lot more.
Applied science school: Dutch students pay several thousand euros a year. Students from other countries pay a lot more.



financial aid

Financial help

The Dutch government provides a number of financial assistance programs to help low-income parents with the costs of education for their children. These programs include:

"Kindgebonden budget" (child benefit): This is a monthly allowance paid to parents of children under the age of 18. The amount of the benefit depends on the family's income and the number of children they have.
"Studietoeslag" (student grant): This is a grant available to students who are attending secondary vocational education (MBO or VMBO) or higher education (HBO or WO). The amount of the grant depends on the student's income, the income of their parents, and the type of education they are pursuing.
"MBO-studentenfonds"(MBO student fund): This fund provides loans and grants to students who are attending secondary vocational education (MBO). The loans are interest-free during the study period and the repayment period is ten years after graduation.
"Tegemoetkoming onderwijskosten" (educational expenses allowance): This allowance is available to students who are attending secondary vocational education (MBO or VMBO) or higher education (HBO or WO) and who have a low income. The allowance is meant to help students cover the costs of tuition, books, and other educational expenses.

In addition to these programs, the Dutch government also offers a number of other benefits and allowances that can help low-income families with the costs of raising children, such as:

"Zorgtoeslag" (healthcare allowance): This allowance helps people cover the costs of their Dutch healthcare insurance.
"Huurtoeslag" (rent allowance): This allowance helps people cover the costs of their rent.
"Kinderbijslag" (child allowance): This allowance is paid to parents of children under the age of 18. The amount of the allowance is the same for all families, regardless of income.

To apply for any of these programs, parents or students can contact the Dutch Tax and Customs Administration ("Belastingdienst"). For more information, please visit the Belastingdienst website or call the Belastingdienst customer service line at 0800-0543.


Raising kids 


mother and daughter

About raising kids

Raising kids in the Netherlands is great because:

Kids are usually happy and safe. The Netherlands often tops lists about children's happiness due to good schools, strong family ties, and government support.
Parents have usually a good work-life balance. Companies in the Netherlands offer flexible hours and long parental leaves.
The country is safe with excellent healthcare. There's low crime, and children receive top-notch medical care. In the part on healthcare we give more information.

Parents in the Netherlands can:

Ensure their kids to attend school. Dutch schools are among the best, and children benefit greatly from them.
Encourage independence. Dutch kids are taught to think and act on their own. Letting them make choices is key.
Help them socialize. Playdates, sports, and clubs are common and help kids make friends.
Introduce them to different cultures. With a diverse population, kids can learn about various traditions and languages.



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